Integrated Thinking & Sustainability Reporting
For the last three financial years the board of Anglo African Investments Limited, has applied its collective mind on an integrated basis as envisaged in the Framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council . In approving the strategy developed by management, the board has taken account of the sources of value creation used by the company and the ongoing relationships between the company and its major stakeholders.
There has consequently been an active consideration by the board of the relationships between its various operating and functional units and the sources of value creation used by the company. It has also clearly evaluated the effects of the company’s business model on the three critical dimensions for sustainable development as mentioned by the United Nations (UN) in their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely the economy, society and the environment.
This Integrated Thinking by the board has led to value creation, recognising that there would be increases, decreases or transformations of the sources of value creation caused by the company’s activities in its business model and its outputs.
There has been a serious endeavour by the board to deal with the effects of the company’s business model on those three critical dimensions and to endeavour that the effects are positive and any negative ones are eradicated or ameliorated. There is recognition throughout the report of the importance of taking account of stakeholder’s legitimate needs, interests and expectations in always making a decision in the best interests of the company
The board has clearly demonstrated in its report for the financial year ended 30 June 2017 that it has concerned itself with internal and external consequences of the use of the sources of value creation and the relationships with the company’s stakeholders.
Anglo African needs to be congratulated for focusing on sustainable development in the sense envisaged by the UN and as the CEO said, by embracing Integrated Thinking, the planet has a fighting chance of development in the world being done in a sustainable manner.