Technological Capital

We have developed strong and robust platforms that will allow us to gain competitive edge and related financial strength. We will continue to invest in these platforms which will support our ability to provide services and also welcome start-ups and other entrepreneurs to engage into our ecosystem.

We are therefore opening up our NanoBNK and DigiConsult platforms by forging partnerships through Ventures AA, our Business Incubator. We will strive to ensure a secure IT landscape with high availability while protecting client data and combating fraud.

We have ensured connectivity with our Vision and Capital as the main objective of the NanoBNK’s platform is financial inclusion and that of DigiConsult is to ensure Energy Efficiency and Effective Management of Water, Waste-water and Solid Waste.

Stocks of Capital


Our traditional IT business InfoSystems has been engaging in Service Level Agreements (SLA) with defined Quality of Service (QoS) which are today an industry standard. In addition, our new businesses NanoBNK and DigiConsult will also need to provide high QoS in their SLA especially as they work with clients operating mission critical applications.


NanoBNK and DigiConsult are fully and partly dependent upon platform network effects respectively, as in some cases, they interface directly with the end users. They, therefore, need to ensure high level of service availability on their platforms. This service availability is benchmarked against that experienced on similar platforms competing for our clients, and also against contractual agreements signed by them.

Connected Users

As NanoBNK business model is a hybrid one based on profit sharing, the Average Revenue per User (ARPU) is an important indicator of its success. In order to optimise or increase ARPU, we need to ensure that the maximum number of potential users connect on the different platforms. As we are also responsible for the digital onboarding and digital marketing, this is an important stock for us.

Targets 2018

  • % of Customers with SLAs in InfoSystems at 90%
  • Platform availability at 98%
  • Connected users to reach 12,000 in NanoBNK